Interesting story behind this toy box. This is one of the first things I ever built. Built it way
back in my high school years. Didn’t use any fancy wood…just plain old plain Jane pine that didn’t have any character at all. Well, I think I remember building it for my youngest brother Mark. But over the years…I lost track of it and just plain old forgot about the darned thing.
back in my high school years. Didn’t use any fancy wood…just plain old plain Jane pine that didn’t have any character at all. Well, I think I remember building it for my youngest brother Mark. But over the years…I lost track of it and just plain old forgot about the darned thing.
Fast forward like thirty or more years and I am helping Mark clean out his home and garage down in the Cape May, NJ area and tucked back in the corner of his garage is this old forlorn looking box. All beat up and finish faded. Got a bit closer and I recognized it. It was the toy box!!!
Wow..talk about a blast from the past. It was a mess. Humidity and heat had wreaked havoc with the base trim and the trim around the lid. It was shot to say the least. And the original clear finish was completely gone and the stain was even faded quite a bit. Now, I normally would have chucked the thing. But after taking a good look at it, I determined that it could be saved. My wife Karen suggested that I take it home…refurbish it and give it back to Mark with the express purpose of it being for his impending newborn baby. Sounded like a great idea and it came home with us from the Jersey shore and I set about refurbishing.
First…off came the old trim. Both the bottom trim and the lid trim. Both were completely
shot. The corner joints needed regluing and the entire thing simply needed a sprucing up. I completely sanded the inside and outside down to almost bare wood, but kept its patina for old times’ sake. I used a heavy paste type stain so that it would sit on the wood and penetrate well
into the old wood. Once that was done, I made up new trim for the bottom and the top and attached them and stained them a slightly off color of the box for contrast and then when it was all dry…shot some finish on it.
No, it’s not one of my greatest projects, but it wasn’t meant to look like a new piece. That would have destroyed its beauty and disrespected its heritage and age. The recipients were very happy with it and the story that goes with it….that being that back in the early seventies, this toy box was built for Mark and after years of use and neglect in its later years, it was brought back to life with a little work by its original builder and now it will enjoy a new life serving the daughter of
the original user.
the original user.
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