Glasgow, Scotland - yessirree, it's a long way from Ringoes,NJ. But this jewelry box made the trip. And, I might add, at a bit of a cost also. That is why I am so glad that the postage was covered by the person who had me build it for them. One James McGeachy and his girlfriend Alana are members of an internet forum that I frequent and they had seen some of my work that I posted in the occasional thread. James eventually contacted me and asked if I could build him a jewelry box. I asked what he had in mind and he told me, no real ideas....."just build me one." So I did. They loved it. I have a picture of Alana posing with the box, but I don't think it would be appropriate to post it here where young eyes might spy it. Let's leave it at that. You want to see the photo, you can visit my shop where it's posted on my wall at the top 'o the stairs.
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