The shop was sort of out of commission while I was waiting for my new Jet JJ/P -12 jointer/planer combination machine was on its way to my humble abode. I had quickly sold my old Delta 6" jointer on CraigsList and was without any "jointing" capabilities, so work was sort of at a standstill up there.
Well, the machine has been delivered. I have gotten it upstairs to my shop and it is set up and running and working like a charm. The delivery of the machine held up a planned project for a couple that we are friends with, but upon letting them know that their project can get underway, I was informed that something had changed and it would be a little bit before they were ready to have it made. That freed me up to get underway with something I have long wanted to do....a new coffee table for our family room. I am making the table unusually tall and for good reason. Both my wife and I like to watch television (Law and Order and L&S SVU) while we eat our dinners. However, the current coffee table sits so low, it is a pain to bend over to eat over your plate and sitting on the floor to get closer to the plate has become a non-option. So, I am raising the table up to where it will be comfortable to eat at WHILE sitting on the couch.
Constructed of red oak with walnut features worked in, it will match the existing television armoir that I built a few years back. This is the second of a trio of furniture that I want to build to complete our family room. The third is planned for the future and will be an occasional table that will sit in the corner of the room. It will have two drawers and will serve as a place to charge our various electrical gadgets and gizmos. So, stay tuned....I'll be posting some pictures soon detailing the construction process of the coffee table.